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Close-up, black-and-white portrait of the photographer, Barbara Forslund

Barbara Forslund-Leu

My mission when I pick up my camera is to try and capture the essence of the subject. Reduction of the right composition to mere lines, shapes and colors allows me to hint at the quintessential simplicity of the matter.

Sometimes it is necessary to forego the Big Picture with all its clarity and detail to convey what the piece is about. For me, that’s what makes a good photo and one that is interesting to explore. By only hinting at what else is there I try to involve the imagination of the viewer, keep him engaged. The isolated shape tells a story or passes on a mood.

I moved from Switzerland to California in 2001 and fell in love with San Diego the first time I saw it. I immediately felt at home in this place that offers beach town coziness and big city possibilities all at once. With the eyes of curious child, I walked the streets in awe trying to capture the soul of this place, perhaps the essence of what people think is classic Southern California. I wanted to share the beauty and colorfulness I encountered every day. Where I come from, you find the mood in the fog, the rain and the changing seasons, whereas the perpetual blue skies of San Diego make it easier to focus on the subject, make it easier to explain and digest.

Simplicity, Patience, Compassion

Studying the subject, peeling back the layers to get to the essential, underlying structure continues to be my journey and my virtue hopefully creating a moment of delight for the viewer.

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